Harbour Hotel Naas

The minute you enter the Harbour Hotel you feel at home. That's what a stay with us is all about. When you have been traveling, sightseeing, out and about, this is the best place to relax and let the activities of the day wash through your memory over a good meal and a drink later on.

A small hotel in Naas since November 1991 which believes in exceptional customer service with a family touch coupled with warm and inviting accommodations in great location which make Harbour Hotel the premier choice in hotels in Naas.

The hotel offers ten double bedrooms, together with en-suite. Every room has tea making facilities in all bedrooms with television, Wi-Fi and telephones. Home cooked meals are served from 7:30 Am to 8 PM daily which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner menus. All foods are sourced locally and prepared fresh. For less hungry people, there is a coffee shop which opens daily from 9 Am to 2 PM where there are wide variety of home made breads, scones, tarts, cakes and desserts. Our home made Christmas cakes and puddings are a specialty. We also arrange special functions and wedding which have seating capacity of 50 people.

People who are travelling for business, sightseeing or want to arrange special events.


The minute you enter the Harbour Hotel you feel at home. That's what a stay with us is all about. When you have been traveling, sightseeing, out and about, this is the best place to relax and let the activities of the day wash through your memory over a good meal and a drink later on.