An open workshop in Dublin City Centre, online shop and base of designer and crafts person Jamie Lewis. We love 100% wool felt.
We love 100% wool felt. Wool is a great natural and sustainable resource with loads of amazing qualities and is eventually biodegradable. Felt is so simple yet can be used in so many innovative ways. That’s why all our products are made from 100% wool felt.
We design and make products that we love ourselves and we’re fanatical about materials, textures, and colours.
We’re particularly interested in the natural un-dyed shades of wools from different breeds of sheep.
We use these as the base for most of our products, complementing them only with one dyed wool, a yarn or another natural fiber such as linen.
We use industrially made pressed wool felt where it makes sense and make our own by hand for parts industry can’t do.
We open the workshop in Dublin City Centre, for customers of all ages.