Here2help envisages a society where everyone has access to information, education, support and counselling on sexual health, contraception, crisis pregnancy, relationships and knowledge of their own personal histories.
We are not affiliated with any religious tradition and just seek to ensure that you get the help that you want and the information that you need. Whatever decisions you make will be entirely your own, just know that you don’t have to reach them on your own.
We provide a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment in which you can talk to a trained and experienced counsellor about your situation, your options and your feelings. You can come on your own, with your partner or with anyone you’d like for support. We can also organise to come meet you on neutral ground in which you feel completely comfortable.
Here2help aims to counsel women, men and their families to explore their needs in relation to a crisis pregnancy and/or an adoption and to support them in their choice in relation to the best outcome for themselves.